
Just Kidding

By: - Jan 01, 2021

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Just Kidding

Play the fool
Acting foolish
Can perhaps be wise
Nobody takes such a lad
Perhaps a cad
To be serious
Just ignore
That silly fellow
Bonkers Tom Foolery
Sputtering nonsense
Thus getting away
With utter absurdity
Telling the truth
To Lear deranged
Who was indeed
More the fool
Than fool himself
In that sense wise
Or at least ironic
More than that
Why wax philosophic
Rumbling ruminations
Absurdist sophistry
Just for the fun of it
Pause to consider
My silly hat
Bought in Venice
Bright mottled colors
Doffed in jest
With little bells
Jiggle and jingle
When shaken merrily
Raucous awkward dance
Lurching to and fro
Speaking of Michelangelo
Proof of the pudding
Rock of ages
Not every day
Now and then
Special occasions
Like yesterday
New Year’s Eve
Acting foolish
As I told Phil
Friend from Thailand
Wearing that hat
Flexing his muscles
Playing the prat
Day in and day out
Ever the fool
His destiny
Such a fright
Marvel of children
Their utter delight
Through and through
Best of attributes
Such a merry man
Master of laughter
Doing the shoe
On Fifth Avenue
Pranks and stunts
Bag of tricks
Or as I told him
There’s no fool
Like an old fool
Now me it seems
Bohemian Rhapsody
Acting so haphazard
Glorious harmony
This very first day
Of a New Year
When all is well
At least for now
Last year was hell
Of that indeed
No fooling