
Impartial Post

By: - Jan 22, 2021

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Impartial Post

For four years
White House staff
Kissed her ass
Waited on Melania
Hand and foot
On her way out
Off to Mar y Lago
There to be pampered
More of the same
Ain’t it a shame
Who to blame
Home on the range
Head over heels
Boarding Airforce Done
Squint-eyed lynx
Lethal predator
Curse and jinx
Never done nothing
For nobody
Nowhere man or woman
Mistress of all she surveyed
Smile and a wave
One last task
Stiff the staff
Outsourced thank you notes
Couldn’t be bothered
All that penmanship
Butlers and maids
So much for class
Kept it crass
Noblesse oblige
Would you please
Queen of mean
America’s sweet-fart
Making a scene
Former Worst Lady
Thanks for all you didn’t
From the false bottom
Of your heartless
No matter what you think
So pretty in pink
Please have pity
Down and dingy
She lives with a dink
What to think
Just imagine being
Married to Caligula
She laid her bed
Then lied about it
Can you imagine
Trump on top
How low do you go
Nobody says no
To the Donald
His secrets serviced
Eight ball in
The side pocket
Huffing and puffing
Liar poked her
Bluster and fluff
Ain’t proud enough
Boys will be boys
Our biggest loser
Got fired