
Portfolio: Lynda Ray

Recent Encaustic Paintings

By: - Feb 06, 2008

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Personal Geometry

Like many of the artists in the exhibition, Lynda
Ray finds inspiration in the natural world and
the many intricate patterns that exist there.
Honeycombs, faceted crystals and rafts of bubbles
are but a few of the visual stimuli she
translates onto her canvases using thick
encaustic paint.  These patterns come together in
rhythm and repetition  as she seeks to "explore
the relationship between the microcosm and the
macrocosm". The works assert themselves both as
geometric abstraction, surface and pattern, and
as expressively layered, fully dimensional

Nancy Sausser, Curator
McClean Project for the Arts
1234 Ingleside Avenue
McLean, Virginia 22101

Artist Statement

The structures and shapes found in nature, and
the order that  exists in apparent chaos,
influence my work. I start my painting by using a
small geometric shape; a square,  triangle or
chevron repeatedly creating a pattern.  Sometimes
a new structure with it's own contrasting
rhythm appears to float  just above the picture
plane, mediating the pattern embedded  below. At
other times I continue to  explore the surface of
the  canvas with this regular shape  as a larger
form slowly evolves and presents itself. I
explore the aggregate structure  by continuing
to use the same small unit, becoming more aware
of the tone and temperature of the marks I make.

 The larger form recedes or advances, sways or
bends on the picture plane. The resultant
saturated color creates space and form that play
off of one another and bounce  off the surface of
the canvas. The patterns I find in nature that
inspire me are the aerial views  of the Earth,
with it's visible layered systems both natural
and manmade, honeycombs of bees, facetted
crystals, and  rafts of  bubbles.  I see the
results of microscopic principles in the
development of large forms.  My paintings are
about the  relationship between the microcosm
and the macrocosm. I seek to establish a kind of
presence, rich color and seductive  surface.  It
is very inspirational to discover the new
possibilities in paint, surface and color as a
way to explore and value the  universe. LR