
Force Majeure

By: - Feb 23, 2022

Force Majeure

Powerless to resist
To make even a dent
Riding the waves
Time and tide
Death and Texas
Dreading one
As much as the other
Uttering platitudes
Pundits prevail
As if they know
More than we do
What’s round the corner
Better looking to the past
Suetonius in fact
Far more cogent
Absurdly contemporaneous
Tiberius, Nero, Caligula
Than CNN or
Feral Fox
Who to trust
With or without us
Tomorrow will
Be another day
But how to play
The few chips
At our command
In the game
Blind man bluff
No seat at the table
Our fate sealed
Making it real
Indeed life itself
Controlled by others
Strings pulled
For one and all
Macabre marionettes
Powers that be
Not you or me
The whole earth
Scorched while
Oligarchs place
Ghastly bets
Skin in the game
But not the same
Nothing to be done
Patience and
Shuffle the cards
Stripped poke her
A cruel metaphor
So much to abhor
That Putrid whore
A force majeure