
Amherst Biennial 2012

Application for Participation

By: - Feb 29, 2012


Amherst Biennial 2012

Application for Participation

The Amherst Public Arts Commission (APAC) is pleased to announce the second Amherst Biennial: Art in Expected & Unexpected Places this fall (Oct./Nov. 2012), all over town, adding sites on Amherst College, UMass & the Emily Dickinson Museum. We are looking for the best art created in Western MA during the last two years. The curators for this Biennial will be Elizabeth Barker, Director of the Mead Museum, Amherst College; Loretta Yarlow, Curator for the University Museum at UMass, Amherst; and Terry Rooney, Chair of the Amherst Public Arts Commission.

Send 3 digital images (2 each for 3-D work), a resume and this application. The CD must be
readable on both Mac and PC formats. Images must be jpegs at 72 DPI with the largest dimension set at no more than 800 pixels. Please label CD with your name, email address and phone number. Deadline for all submissions is May 1, 2012. We are looking for original artwork, all media welcome including art installations. A catalogue of the Amherst Biennial artists and their artwork is planned.

Mail CD’s, entry fee (check payable to: Amherst Public Arts Commission for $25), and support
materials to: The Amherst Public Arts Commission, c/o Jones Library, 43 Amity St., Amherst, MA
01002. APAC cannot return materials to the artists.

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________
Website: _______________________________________________________________________________
List of Images
First Submission or #1
Title: __________________________________________________________________________________
Medium: _________________________________ Dimensions: ___________________________________
 Statement attached _______________________ Retail Price: ____________________________ NFS
Second Submission or #2
Title: __________________________________________________________________________________
Medium: _________________________________ Dimensions: ___________________________________
 Statement attached _______________________ Retail Price: _____________________________ NFS
Third Submission or #3
Title: __________________________________________________________________________________
Medium: _________________________________ Dimensions: ___________________________________
 Statement attached ________________________ Retail Price: ____________________________ NFS