
Nightly Sorbet

Ridiculous Reruns

By: - Mar 09, 2017

Nightly Sorbet

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Not prayers before bed
Seinfeld instead
Cooling down
Favorite shows
Too often violent
Inducing nightmares
Tossing and turning
Tearing up sheets
Endless reruns
Last night
Binged on three
So clever
Even ones seen
Over and over
No matter
Never loose their edge
Utter brilliance
So long ago
Hardly tarnished
Forever young
Yadda yadda yadda
All about nothing
Crazy Kramer
Bumbling bald George
Always a looser
Slick Gerry
Game Elaine
Hello Newman
Hello Gerry
Good for a laugh
Then off to
La La Land
With Mr. Sandman