
Time Flies

Are We Having Fun

By: - Mar 23, 2017

Time Flies

Rushing by in a blur
Seemingly ever faster
More urgent now
Than when I was young
Horny and stoned
Hellhound on my heels
Keeping a step ahead
Checking the clock
How much time left
We ask in a frantic
Race without winners
Crossing the finished line
So much to get done
What happened today
Just came and went
Followed by the
Grim evening news
So many plans
Now hastened
Cutting no slack
For ephemera
Trite and trivial
Shifted priorities
Finishing books
Planning exhibitions
Serious stuff
No sitting by the beach
Screw the snowbirds
Their endless sunsets
Waiting for tide to roll in
Framed by palm trees
More like bracing for
Tsunami washing
Us all to Kingdom
Come or Kong
Gorilla in the room
Hear the roar