
Stuart Chase Appointed CEO of 1Berkshire

New Position for Former Berkshire Musem Director

By: - Apr 28, 2011

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Pittsfield, MA, April 28, 2011—The board of directors of 1Berkshire, Inc. today announced that Stuart A. Chase will join the organization as its Chief Executive Officer.  Chase will provide 1Berkshire and its affiliates, the Berkshire Chamber of Commerce, the Berkshire Visitors Bureau and Berkshire Creative Economy Council, with executive leadership in all areas vital to the growth and success of 1Berkshire including strategic and organizational management, fundraising, economic development and marketing.  Chase, most recently executive director of the Berkshire Museum, is an experienced executive with a distinguished record of business achievements and community involvement in the Berkshires and beyond.

1Berkshire Chairman, Michael P. Daly, said “Stuart Chase is the ideal person to be the face of 1Berkshire locally, in Boston, Washington, D.C. and nationwide. He will lead 1Berkshire to new levels of success and brand recognition which will benefit all members of the Berkshire community. His energy, enthusiasm and high level of professionalism have inspired all who know him. We welcome Stuart as CEO during this important time in the growth of 1Berkshire.”

The 1Berkshire board of directors is comprised of a volunteer group of business leaders whose work has focused on the consolidation and alignment of four economic development agencies into a seamless economic development engine. Volunteers have spent the past year creating strategic priorities and business plans, fundraising, crafting the articles of incorporation, bylaws and legal structure, creating consolidation strategies, developing an advocacy platform, conducting a real estate search to unite the agencies for increased effectiveness, and conducting its national CEO search.

Stuart Chase steps into his role with the charge to create synergies among the three economic development agencies and to advance 1Berkshire’s strategic priorities. “This is a fresh and innovative opportunity to blend the special qualities of these economic development organizations together and promote the Berkshires as a major destination for business, culture and natural recreation and one that I look forward to leading,” noted Stuart Chase.  “I look forward to promoting the Berkshire brand and providing services, information and guidance to all who wish to conduct their business and experience the unique Berkshire lifestyle.  In simple terms the Berkshires are terrific.”

Chase succeeds Paul Haklisch, 1Berkshire’s volunteer interim CEO whose role was to create an alignment of the strategic economic alliance for the three affiliate agencies within 1Berkshire and lead the CEO selection process.  Paul Haklisch said, “The selection of Stuart Chase as the 1Berkshire CEO culminates a rigorous four month nationwide search process.  We set very high standards for the significant number of candidates who applied for this position. Importantly, we insisted on a broad range of executive capabilities that would be required of the organization’s CEO.  Stuart Chase clearly stood out among all the candidates. He was the unanimous candidate of the Search Committee comprised of board members of all three agencies. I am pleased that the board of directors selected an exceptional candidate for this important position.”

About Stuart A. Chase

Stuart A. Chase is an accomplished chief executive and community leader. Most recently he served as executive director of the Berkshire Museum in Pittsfield, MA where he was a successful fundraiser, and completed the Museum’s strategic priorities, including upgrading the 100 year old facility and installing the landmark Feigenbaum Hall of Innovation, a rich visual and didactic interpretation of the Berkshires’ unique industrial and artistic heritage. Prior to his tenure at Berkshire Museum, he held leadership posts at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, MA, Rockwell Museum of Western Art in Corning, NY, Raynham Hall Museum in Oyster Bay, NY, Museum of the Southwest in Midland, TX and served as President at the Oyster Bay Chamber of Commerce. He has a wide range of experiences in membership organizations, fundraising and resource development, marketing and public relations, branding, facilities management and advocacy and government relations. He holds a B.F.A. from Virginia Commonwealth University, with advanced studies at New York University and Long Island University. He serves as the president of the Williamstown Art Conservation Center, and is active in community leadership with the City of Pittsfield, and the affiliate organizations of 1Berkshire. Stuart is an avid skier and nature enthusiast, he and Julie, his wife, reside in Lanesborough, MA.

About 1Berkshire

1Berkshire is an independent not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to advance economic growth and development in the Berkshires. 1Berkshire offers a seamless, unified economic development engine for the Berkshires designed to leverage the Berkshire region’s strengths and position the Berkshires to thrive.

Its affiliates include the Berkshire Chamber of Commerce, the Berkshire Visitors Bureau and Berkshire Creative Economy Council.  Leading businesses, organizations and institutions throughout the Berkshires have provided financial and volunteer support to 1Berkshire.