

Fishing Sucks

By: - May 13, 2016

Quiet white blossoms
from rooftop to fence
flat blue ocean
mimicking sky

Randall lunges down Duley Street
with a bag of candy and soda
sits at Stewie's
with Chasson and Johnson
deposits the bag in a Lite tin
labeled Cove Cooler

How'd you get down here?
There's my transportation
The white bike?
Half a pedal
maybe a whole
gets me to Denise's
Another one to Dicky's
One more up that rise
at what I call The Hotel
Then it's all down hill
How do you get home?
I push it
Up Tucker
Through the path
to Leverett

I'm gonna have T V
In the woods?
Run it off the truck battery
Use a converter
You can have one ten volt
or two twenty

Got yr T V?
Ain't hooked it up yet
Got all the stuff
All laid out
But if I hook it up
I'll never leave
You won't get many channels
All's I need is three
You'll get thirty-eight
fifty-six four five
and seven

Kathy's white van
There's Kathy
What's the shovel for?
O I got a hole over there
I'm gonna fill
Then I'm gonna put
a sign up here
No butts!  No bottle caps!
No nips!  I hope they
pay attention!
Do it now
It's my day off
I don't want to be mad
on my day off

Why aren't you working?
Day off
Stevie's having surgery
What kind of surgery?
A mole removed
From where?
His back

Take a walk
Remove shirt pants
socks shoes
Randall lies
on the kingfish sized table
Soft paws
on a sunning belly

O No!  Here's Roger 
Hi Jake!
When's your boat going in?
I just got the paint
Bottom paint?
And I got to do the inside
Forty bucks!
Brett's not at the store
The guy wouldn't cash my check
The dark haired kid?
Yah  I wish Julie was back
Wouldn't have no trouble then

You still working for Joe?
Steve Thibodeau
I could've worked today
if I wanted to

Must be warm up the camp
Must be a nice breeze up there
I can't open the door
Flies are out
May flies
I was doing some yard work
this morning
They was killing me

Your van broken?
Was anti freeze
I filled it with water
Now I'm waiting for it to dry
so I can tape it up
take it downtown
to the garage
This morning it was bone dry
I could have taped it then
I have to mow a lawn
Where's the mower
It's up there
I was gonna bring two
I don't need two

How's fishing?
Am I fishing?
No  How is fishing?