
Nor’easter: Paintings by Terry Ekasala, Rick Harlow, and Craig Stockwell

At The Bundy Modern, Waitsfield VT

By: - May 24, 2023

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At The Bundy Modern, Waitsfield VT
Nor’easter: Paintings by Terry Ekasala, Rick Harlow, and Craig Stockwell
June 30 through September 3, Saturdays 12-5
By appointment anytime, 802-777-2713
Opening reception, June 30th, 5-7

Most years, we in New England experience massive storms called Nor’easter’s. In the winter months these epic events usually stop everything for a few days while we dig our way out of snow drifts and wait for electricity to resume. As artists, we relish any reason to stop in our tracks, slow time, and experience stillness. The reflections of light after a fresh snowfall create an optimal condition for alchemy in our studios to create deeper experiences with color, texture and spacial illusion in our work. 

Terry Ekasala from Burke VT, Rick Harlow from Saxtons River VT, and Craig Stockwell from Keene NH all make paintings that ask us to slow down and reflect on such metaphors. 

Engagement with Rick Harlow’s paintings opens our minds to experience new visual phenomenon, not unlike staring up into weather. They challenge our senses with subtle and sometimes  dramatic changes as we view them from different distances.

Terry Ekasala layers washes and brushes of paint in ways that gently breathe invented abstract landscapes to life from her hilltop studio. We track the forms that coalesce and then disappear as if a cloud has moved across the work, altering its inner light. 

Craig Stockwell’s personal memorial installation to Mount Washington wrestles with the inherent dangers of the outdoors.  His landscape and figuration are enigmatically juxtaposed by color grids, reminding us that narrative memories are themselves an abstraction.  

As they reveal themselves, the paintings of each of these mature artists create an individual and collective sensory content of atmospheric “otherness” that connects them to each other and to our sense of place on the expansive grounds of The Bundy Modern Gallery in Waitsfield VT. 

The Bundy Modern, a 1962 International Style architectural gem in the woods, is located at 361 Bundy Rd, Waitsfield, just 2 miles south of town off Route 100. The building is spectacular in true modern style with all structural elements visible:  walls of glass, brick parapets, massive wooden beams and Vermont slate floors.

Twelve original modern sculptures from the 1960s have been returned to the Bundy after 25 years. Come enjoy the grounds and soak in the beauty of this work.

Bundy Modern
361 Bundy Rd
Waitsfield, VT 05673
Text or call for appointment 802-777-2713