
Jane Hudson Paintings: Spirit/ Nature

David & Joyce Milne Public Library

By: - May 29, 2022

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David & Joyce Milne Public Library
1095 Main Street
Williamstown, MA
JULY1-JULY 31, 2022
OPENING Fri., July 8, 2022  3-5pm

Jane Hudson is showing works from a series begun in the dead of winter. These ‘orb’ images speak to various states of mind, cosmic influence and radiant energy. As the winter has led beyond the darkness of space, the source of all our inspiration, and turns to another ratio of light to dark, and the emergence of Sunlight, growth and the fruitful hope of Spring on the Earth. 

Hudson’s materials range from gouache and flash on Arches paper to acrylic on canvas.  She is exploring the ways in which the gestures of abstraction and the illusion of physicality can coexist within the same frame. How the power of the natural world operates as a ground upon which we develop a sense for a world beyond the touch of our senses.

An Individual Artist Grant by the Cultural Council of Northern Berkshire has supported this exhibition.

For further information on the artist go to:

@antiquergirlon Instagram