
School Daze

Playing Politics with Kids

By: - Jul 12, 2020

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School Daze

Downtown Gloucester
Brown’s Department Store
Windows displaying
Back to school theme
Outfits for boys and girls
Pencils and books
Fun for Dick and Jane
See Spot run
Filled with dread
End of summer
Come Labor Day
Back to Brookline
Different this year
Accessories for kids
Not just I Pads
Apples for teachers
Masks and gloves
Even respirators
Schools devastated
Students in intensive care
Why such risk
Gamble with lives
Rolling the bones
Squandering the future
Voodoo medicine
A witch doctor
Fool on the hill
Clinging to power
Just like Caligula
Gonzo meshuganah
Rural America
Yet another Dust Bowl
Our precious soil
Gone with the wind
Save the children
Home schooled
Safe and sound
What goes around
Comes around