Friends and Romans
By: Charles Giuliano - Jul 25, 2021
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What are friends for
They come and go
That thing about
Well TS to all that
Held close
With enemies closer
As he advised
The Prince
Threads of commonality
Few survive
Time and tide
The drift of experience
Calm waters
Raging rapids
The connecting point
As well as differences
Conversations over lunch
The ranks have thinned
Need for renewal
Things shared
Testing new limits
Feel the burn
Ebb and flo
Or is it Zoe
Meals with issues
Exploring agendas
Art and politics
Gorky's Garden in Sushi
Generously shared
Letting go
As well as
Drawing closer
Making the most
Ever more precious
Legacy of insights
Never too late
To take up the cello
Get into shape
Win one
For the Gipper
Hold off the Reaper
Playing chess
With eternity