
Death and Texas

By: - Sep 02, 2021

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Death and Texas

It’s wacko in Waco
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Lone Star State
Remember the Alomo
Gone total gonzo
Open carry
For all the crazies
Packing heat
Armed to the teeth
High noon downtown
Gunfight at OK Corral
Quick draw
At the grocery store
Or road rage
Them’s fighting words
No need for permit
Or any training
Law and disorder
Shoot to kill
Voter suppression
Leading the nation
Keeping creeps in office
Now till the cows come home
Make them longhorns
More or less
Trashed Roe vs. Wade
Trump and McConnell
Saw to that
Stacking the court
Ending a woman’s
Right to choose
Back to coat hangers
Praise the Lord
To be sure there
Are decent people
Just north of the
Rio Grande
Now hunkered down
Quaking in their
Cowboy boots