

Reading Hannah Arendt

By: - Sep 07, 2014




Émile Zola 1898

The Alfred Dreyfus Affair

French anti Semitism

Analyzed by Hannah Arendt

Slow careful reading dense with information

Origins of Totalitarianism

Brandeis undergraduate 1960s

Contentious debate

Legality of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem

Controversy over Arendt’s New Yorker coverage

Radical campus

Abbie Hoffman, Herbert Marcuse and disciple Angela Davis

Coffee with her in the snack bar

Talked about that with Evan Stark


I flunked

Lab partner blew up a New York bank

Importance of dissent

Forging a radical generation

Joan Baez singing in dormitory

Trips to Club 47 in Cambridge

Rachel Goldstein loved her

My car

Spring break driving Mel Lyman to Harlan County

Acid trip night before graduation

Not exactly kosher


After all these years

Last Poets

Niggers are scared of revolution

Anthem of another time

Still not free

No backyard fallout shelters

Mushroom cloud

Explodes within


Link to review of a new book by Bettina Stangneth "Eichmann Before Jerusalem."