
Little People

By: - Sep 16, 2021

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Little People

Storm at sea
Pounded the ship
Foundered on rocks
Swept overboard
Washed up on shore
Half drowned
Staggered from the beach
Collapsed in marsh grass
In a strange land
Terra incognita
Fell deep asleep
Explorer and adventurer
Dreams of the past
Strange places and people
Plans for the future
Where and when
Possible projects
The morning dew
Burned off
Heat of rising sun
Bolted awake
But could not move
Swarms of little people
Uttered cacophony
Turned his head
As best he could
By his measure
But a few inches
Perfect figurines
During his slumber
They were busy
Tethered to the ground
Bound by a thousand threads
Rendered immobile by
Countless strands
Envy, ignorance, fear
Pandora’s box
Unleashed on him
The leader
Or so it seemed
Brandishing a sword
Climbed on his nose
From this perch
Ordered the horde about
How to drag him
To a cart
Not allowed to escape
Or retaliate
Taming a giant
Perceived threat
Enemy of little people
Just by measure
With a heave ho
Dragged to the city
In its square
Put on display
What a fine prize
Gawk and stare
Days went by
Burnt by the sun
Fierce hunger and thirst
A bucket brigade
Attempt to quench
Then a thousand
Loaves of bread
Taxed their resources
The council met
Voted to release him
Dragged to the border
Blind folded
As precaution
Hands tightly bound
Rose to his feet
Collosus of Rhodes
Towering above them
A brave band
Chosen warriors
Led him deep
Into dark forest
Where none ever ventured
With palpable trepidation
Set him free
For days he moved on
Foraging for food
Drinking from streams
His clothes rank and tattered
Oozing stench
Ever more deranged
Lost and marooned
Found another land
Naked painted aboriginals
Sniffed him up and down
Was he man or beast
Again fear seized him
With great relief
Eye to eye
They were his size
Bathed and fed
Time slid by
He learned their ways
Hunted and gathered
These gentle people
Had never met
An Englishman
And so he passed his days
Fearing the Lord
Exiled in paradise