
Whitney's Farm's Halloween Pumpkin Festival

Along Route 8 in Cheshire

By: - Sep 21, 2007

/ 16
Route 8
Cheshire, Mass.
413 442 4749

         Between now and Halloween throngs of families gather on weekends at Whitney's Farm on Route 8 between Pittsfield and Adams. The main attraction is a large field next to the road with rows of pumpkins. It is great fun to select one for carving and lighting  front porch.

           This week we visited while a crew was setting up the rows. There was a truck full of pumpkins piled high and a couple of guys tossing them to others stacking them. They come in all sizes and some have interesting or unusual shapes.

           There is also Whitney's petting zoo where kids have a chance to get up close and personal with some barnyard personalities from sheep and goats, to a pony, and even an exotic and somewhat autocratic llama. The pony poked its head between the rails looking for treats and a goat nibbled on my pocket. Seems they will eat just about anything.

            Poking around there are lots of creepy things appropriate to the Halloween spirit. There is an ersatz grave yard with the tombstone of Dracula. There are lots of ghosts and goblins as well as some full scale tractors and things to crawl over and around. There is a stand to buy snacks.

            Whitney's, which has been in business since 1940, closes in the winter and sells its own produce in season. There is also a great greenhouse as well as high end pies and breads and a deli for sandwiches and cold cuts. Check it out.