
Death and Texas

By: - Sep 28, 2020

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Death and Texas

Two certainties in life
Death and taxes
A couple of pensioners
Clinging to what’s left
Health, sanity and nest egg
Most working stiffs
Farmers and coal miners
Doctors and lawyers
Rank and file
We don’t punch the clock
But work nonetheless
Just don’t get paid
Astrid spends months
Meeting with accountant
Playing by the rules
Getting finances in order
Profit and loss
Constant ebb and flow
Do our very best
To pay less
Try to live modestly
Within our means
Nothing very lavish
Still we get clobbered
Like everyone else
Proud to be Americans
Red white and blue
Through and through
That annual check
From hard earned savings
More than $750
Let me assure you
Not like cheater-in-chief
Ersatz billionaire
Such a sad sham
So sad a disgrace
Really really sad
Fake news blues
Lock him up
Ankle bracelet
Confined to Mar-Y-Lago
Holding court
Playing liar’s poker
Chips all in
$ 300 million marker
Time to fold
While howling wolves
Nip at his heels
The real reality show
You’re fired