

Dinner in Naples with Paulie Walnuts

By: - Oct 06, 2015


Pip says we didn’t say gravy
For red sauce
In our upscale home
Recalling the Sopranos
Visiting Naples
Mob sit down
Dinner in fancy restaurant
Served fine dining
Spaghetti al nero di sepia
Con vincoli
Like I had for lunch
In Sienna
Deliziosa delicacy
Paulie Walnuts turned to Christopher
Looking at the plate of
Black pasta with tiny clams
What is this
He exclaimed
I can’t eat this shit
The waiters in
Napolitano dialect
Unfamiliar to
Joisey hoods
Whispered with a sneer
These fools think
They’re Italian
Paulie said
Take this crap away
Bring me a plate of
Meatballs with gravy