
Panem et Circences

By: - Oct 10, 2021

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Panem et Circences

On a whim she said
Let’s go to MASS MoCA
This afternoon
Caught off guard
Couldn’t think why not
Perfect fall day
We made our way
First visit in now
Some two years
Covid then
Months of rehab
Daunting adventure
Walker and cane
Found the elevator
Vast Building Five
So many projects
Magnificent or
Half full or empty
This time
Mezzo Mezzo
Picture Mussorgsky
Glenn Kaino
In the Light of a Shadow
Long plank-walk
Hanging rocks
Son et lumière
Like Versailles
Many years ago
So it seemed
An odd ennui
Not my first rodeo
More snooze than woke
Post modern agit prop
Up in smoke
Oh when art was
Something to look at
An eye thing
Without the strings
How I miss abstract expressionism
When rock was young
The greatest generation
Now shuffling along
Through vaulted
Blind ambition
Schlock of the new
Dressed to impress
Me as world weary
Shabby vagabond
Still mighty proud
To bear witness
Pushing the walker
Through manicured space
A human race
Such as what’s left
Diogenes syndrome
Feeling the heft
Harder to please
Can’t take a critic
Anywhere nowadays
Huffy old duffers
What seen it all
Nothing new
Under the sun
Downright Biblical
Rock of Ages
Like a Rolling Stone
No moss on me
Enjoying a stroll
Our local museum
Glorious fall day
In the courtyard
Enormous tent
Panem et circences
Ordered tacos
Veni, vidi, weewee
From the food truck
Ribs in the smoker
Come back tomorrow
Bloody hell
Got a beer
London pub ale
Spilled some of it
She was radiant
Basked in fall sun
Toasty and warm
Me and the Mrs
Out for some fun
Enjoying our outing
Let’s do this more often
Making slow progress
Sticks and stones
Mending my bones
But names can
Never hurt me