
Wild Thing

Not Speaking Squirrel

By: - Oct 17, 2020

/ 6

Wild Thing

A glorious day
Indian Summer
Mid October
Moves on the deck
Shooting an arrow
Holding up the sky
The bamboo garden
Berkshires oasis
Place for stillness
Discussing Qigong
After a lesson
Down from a tree
Cautiously approached
In fits and starts
Checking us out
My unfamiliar presence
Threat assessment
To stay or turn away
Scurried along the fence
Inching ever closer
Eyes on the prize
He shook the jar
Urged him on
The familiar voice
Stood up on haunches
Surveyed the scene
Last chance to bolt
Then hopped up
Grabbed a nut
From outstretched hand
Quickly consumed
Darted back for another
A dozen or so
Seemed plump to me
Getting close to winter
They live in that tree
Several wee friends
His nephew asked
What are their names
Don’t know he replied
I don’t speak squirrel