
Day by Day

By: - Oct 25, 2021

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Day by Day

Celebrated madly
Fine wines
Cellared two years
Broke open the case
2016 still quite young
Another bottle
Next birthday party
Opened slowly
Enjoying complexity
Expressing terroir
Allegory of my life
Now exploding
Exotic flavors
Time and experience
Outlived the jinx
Dad and Granddad
Both dead at 80
Such old men
Withered and bent
Barely made it
Truth be told
A terrible year
Since last we gathered
Thanks to Astrid
Pulled through
The Horror the Horror
In rehab three weeks
More like slammer
Homeless woman
With her daughter
Crashed in my room
They ordered pizza
But wouldn’t share
Zonked on Oxy
Those daily calls
I can’t remember
Friends and family
Long past now
Out and about
More like old self
What fun we had
No Time for Sergeants
Pennie baked a cake
Sicilian cassata
American variation
Laced with liqueur
Oh so close
Pip agreed
Sunday brunch
Memories of holidays
Relatives from Brooklyn
Monteleone’s and Tardo’s
My usual paella
This time vegetarian
Shrimp and sausage
Served on the side
Rice reached perfection
With that prized crust
Lisa sang for us
Then we joined in
I crooned Sinatra
Doing it my way
Regrets I have a few
Too few to mention
Pennie thinks I
Sound like Barry White
That’s quite all right
Robert regaled us
Outrageous tales
Bob was mellow
Youngest among us
Practically a child
Hanging with elders
Or so it seemed
First time in two years
Curse of Covid
Pip and Sarah came
From Annisquam
Queens for a day
Bearing gifts
Wild mushroom soup
Cathartic gathering
Kiss and cry
Quality time
Loves of my life
Ever more precious
Here and now
Après moi, le déluge