
Purple Haze

By: - Oct 26, 2021

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Purple Haze

No turning back
Full steam ahead
Praise the Lord and
Pass the ammunition
Up the river to Kurtz
Heart of Darkness
One day will I say
On turning 81
We had so much fun
Still feeling young
Heart of hearts
Making art
Each and every day
What more to say
I read the news today
Oh boy
The USA had lost
War to end all war
Blasting away
In some jungle
All the best children
Lost generations
Squandered on beaches
Bays of Pigs
All for what
It seemed to me
My morning Cheerios
Oh say can you see
Thinking deep
World weary
Keeping up exercises
Feeling that bicep
Getting ever bigger
Last night sushi
With Galen and John
Chance encounter
Astrid treating me
Happy Birthday
Sung on the phone
Our family from DC
So oddly evocative
The entire restaurant
Chimed in boisterously
Chef served cake
With whipped cream
Four forks
Sharing an occasion
Anything but solemn
Galen talked of China
An artist’s residence
For three months
Near Hong Kong
John went along
We chimed in
When we were Shanghaied
For a week at the
Education Hotel
Porridge for breakfast
With pickles
Kung Fu on the tube
Lost in space
Fog of memory
Purple Haze
Swirling round and round
Apocalypse Now
Ever more relevant
The Horror the Horror