

Down to the Wire

By: - Oct 29, 2020

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Lord knows
I can use a manicure
Yet another body part
So sadly neglected
Preoccupied with other things
Like the friggin’ election
A regular nail-biter
Race to the finish
Just six more days
Perusing  daily polls
Electoral College projections
Been down that road before
Reaching magical 270
Fight to regain senate
On the stump ranting
Covid, Covid, Covid
Turning the corner
So he claims
Deranged and insane
Rallies in hot spot
Unmasked vulgarians
Stand by their man
Art of the steal
Orange coiffed Caligula
Rousing the mob
Vile hoodies
Market tanking
There goes the neighborhood
Down to the wire
Till then need talons
Clawing way to victory
End of madness
Filled with fear
Existential dread
Four more years
A nation divided
Now and forever
More fake news
One way or  other
A clip job
Clean sweep for better days
Even best case scenario
Decades to recover
Perhaps never
Say it ain’t so Joe
Make America great again
Lock him up