
Moby Dick

When What Is Probably Isn't

By: - Nov 08, 2015

Moby Dick

Call me Ishmael
Read too young
Craved adventure
Fantasies of possibilities
Cowboys and Indians
Lewis and Clark
Pirates of the Caribbean
Whaling in the Pacific
Those great characters
Sailing from Nantucket
The white whale
One legged Ahab
Full of rich detail
Sharing stash of
Shrunken heads
Shivered the imagination
Later college
Professor talked about
The great whale
As God
Battle of good and evil
How could I not see
What became obvious
The deconstructed content
Books I had read
Just for enjoyment
Now to be probed
Pulled apart
Studied and sifted
Layered with meaning
Loss of innocence
That sanguine thirst
For global adventures
Never happened
Had to work for a living
Never set out for
South Sea Islands
Other than imagination
Then questionable
Watching movies and TV
Doesn’t make you think
Nightly entertainment
Pretty vacant
Except on occasion
Then to sleep
Perchance to dream
God and dead whales
Of a life that
Really isn’t