
Plymouth Rocked

By: - Nov 21, 2021

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Plymouth Rocked

As we gather
More on our plates
Than turkey
Or its scarcity
Glitches in supply
Help wanted
Major dock up
Everything fubar
Still we celebrate
Cling to hope
Cooking up a storm
Groaning board of goodies
Pushing the norm
Getting on through
A time of plague
Triple vaxed
Protected to the max
Masked marvels
Digging out from
Under pervasive gloom
A nation divided
Against itself
Red and blue don’t
Make purple haze
Just worn down
Grinding adversity
Set aside for a day
Fussball in mancaves
Making hay where
Sun don’t shine
Getting royally stuffed
Pass the gravy
Leave room for pie
Nouveau Beaujolais
Just a bit tipsy
Reach for the sky
What tales are told
Shared with loved ones
Seats at the table
Far from away
Not seen these
Past two years
War and strife
Making the most
Of glitchy life
Pervasive dread
Fear eats the soul