
Gobble Gobble

By: - Nov 25, 2020

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Gobble Gobble

Annual ritual
White House Turkey
Spared the axe
That’s a fact
Lucky bird
Saved by Trump
Wave of magic wand
Imperial flourish
Next in line
Gaggle of Trumpians
Fine feathered friends
Criminal queue
Two by two
Family first
Jared and Ivanka
Prince and Princess
A pretty face
Such a disgrace
Melania and Barron
Just in case
Don Jr. of course
Crude rude Rudy
Crashing the party
So out of place
Couldn’t save race
Egg on his face
It’s a shame
Really a shame
Rudy’s so lame
Eric butts in
Big Game Hunter
Another Trump punter
The line snakes around
Longer and longer
All his crooks
Flash dirty looks
Spare me they cry
From little fibs
To nasty lies
And me and me
Dragging on and on
Waving his magic wand
Like a conductor
With a baton
Sounds of chaos
End of an empire
The four-year Reich
Criminal cacophony
Bunch of creeps
Phony baloney
The President speaks
Saves best for last
Pardon me he gasps
But not so fast
With clack and clammer
Off to the slammer
Head on a platter
Revenge served cold
Sold down river
Signed, sealed, delivered
Skinned like a cat
Fat one at that
Here’s your hat
What’s the hurry
Hit the road Jack
Don’t you come back
No mo, no mo, no mo
Enjoy the holiday
Spared the bird but
For crap so fowl 
Your goose is cooked