
The Duke at Gloucester High

By: - Nov 25, 2022

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The Duke at Gloucester High

Immersed in Cape Ann Culture
No stone unturned
Here doing research on
Growing up in Annisquam
As a teenager it seemed
There wasn’t any
Culture that is
That summer when
Rock was young
Getting hip to the jive
Gloucester was Squaresville
No beats on the scene
Jazz impresario George Wein’s
Storyville in Boston
Where I dug the Duke
One summer brought trad
To Hawthorne Inn Casino
On Rocky Neck
Grooved to the sounds
Sipping Shirley Temples
Half ass arts festival 1950s
Created by Gloucester Mayor
His Honor Joe Grillo
Out of the blue
Duke Ellington at
Gloucester High School
That seemed odd
Parade of women
Took the mic
A tag team
Fancy dresses and corsages
Each thanking the other
Making it possible
For a good cause
Everyone taking a bow
Finally, with no further ado
Curtain parted
Out came the Duke
Thunderous applause
Then long pause
Eerie dead silence
He just stood there
Decisive moment
Slow and unctuously
Suave and silky said
“I’m speechless”