
Stoop to Conquer

Simple Tasks No Longer So

By: - Dec 11, 2015

Stoop to Conquer

Putting kettle on
Morning coffee
Paper in the driveway
In orange plastic
Not that it matters
When it rains
Soggy news
Berkshire Eagle
Pretty vacant
Mid December
Mild and unseasonal
Not like last year
The Horror
As Kurtz said
Dreaming of a
Green Christmas
Ain’t snowing yet
I say to the locals
Blue collar vernacular
Guys in the garage
Making conversation
Just changing tires
Cost five hundred bucks
A few things need fixing
Like me
Bending over
Harder every day
Picking up the paper
Getting down creaky
Back up tricky
Like many chores
Once seemed so simple
Putting on socks
Negotiating steps
In the dark
At the movies
Tuesday nights
Just five bucks
For second rate 007
Sucky Hunger Games
Life measured
In daily increments
Gradually letting go
Of Bucket list
Now spelled
With an F
For the Holidays