

The Rain in Spain

By: - Dec 15, 2020

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Last September
In Pittsfield
U.S. Post Office
Surrendered my passport
Felt like a prisoner
Under house arrest
Still had a few months
Every ten years
Back to when I was a teen
Me on Dad’s 
Wanted my own
Bal à Versailles
First time I saw Paris
All those decades
Europe, Africa, and China
Never below Rio Grande
Canada lots of time
Felt naked without it
These past months an alien
Less than real citizen
Card carrying Americans
Born in the U.S.A.
Try to prove that
In the era of Trump
Add to that COVID
No end of paranoia
Somewhere in Philly
Belly of the beast
Heart of bureaucracy
Uncivil servants
Fate in their hands
Today it arrived
Some thirteen weeks later
Bright spanking new
Good to go
But where exactly
Right now
Would you get on a plane
Totally insane
Might yet happen
Here, there, everywhere
London, Paris and Berlin
Opera in Vienna
Rain in Spain
Trattoria in Trastevere
Venetian vaporetto
Rhine on Harvest Moon
Schnapps with Dexter
Port in Porto
Dear old friends
Theater and art
Never saw Greece
Israel or Egypt
In my dreams at least
Anything is possible
Come fly with me
Up, up and away
Hope for a better day