
Fine Arts

  • Marina Abramovic at MoMA

    Feel Her Pain

    By: Charles Giuliano - Apr 22nd, 2010

    It seems that some visitors to the Marina Abramovic retrospective, which features nude performance artists, have not been well behaved. Vigilant security guards have ejected individuals caught groping the models. But we were surprised to find the exhibition, one of the most provocative in decades, curiously unarousing. Nude bodies? Endurance? Pain? Ho hum.

  • The 2011 Portland Museum of Art Biennial

    Call To Maine Artists

    By: Charles Giuliano - Apr 22nd, 2010

    Last year we visited and reported on the lively 2009 Portland Museum of Art Biennial. Now the museum is sending out a call to artists to apply for the 2011 Biennial. We will be sure to visit the exhibition stopping for lobster along the way. And checking out the extensive arts community in Portland.

  • Daniel Ludwig at Alan Stone Gallery

    Exhibition by Mass. Artist April 24 to June 5

    By: Bob Fowler - Apr 21st, 2010

    The Massachusetts painter Daniel Ludwig is showing figurative, narrative paintings at Alan Stone Gallery in Manhattan. The exhibition opens on April 24 and runs through June 5. The selectively exaggerated color of earlier paintings is now used as a powerful expressive tool, emphasizing difference and distance between elements. The painterly, carefully built surfaces further emphasize that aspect. Deer Hunt - a composition reminiscent of Delacroix - literally explodes with action as a group of figures, nude and half-clothed, drive spears into a pair of hapless deer.

  • Helga S. Orthofer at Berkshire Community College

    Koussevitizky Art Gallery in Pittsfield

    By: Charles Giuliano - Apr 21st, 2010

    When is a fire hydrant more than what it seems? In the approach of Austrian born artist and Berkshire resident, Helga S. Orthofer, it is a portrait rather than a still life. The works in this exhibition at Berkshire Community College are filled with rich and personal symbols and visual metaphors.

  • Natural Selection at Greylock Arts

    Adams Exhibition April 23 to June 5

    By: Matt Belanger & Marianne Petit - Apr 20th, 2010

    The group exhibition Natural Selections opens on Friday, April 23 at Greylock Arts in Adams, Mass and remains on view through June 5. The project includes Christian Cerrito, Charles Giuliano, Alex Kauffmann, Henry Klein, David Lachman, Michelle Vitale Loughlin, Jeremy Rotsztain, Martha Denmead Rose, Gregory Scheckler. It has been curated by the artists Marianne Petit and Matt Belanger. The exhibition explores aspects of responses to nature by a range of contemporary artists.

  • ACT Inauguration Celebration

    Program in Art, Culture and Technology at MIT

    By: Zeren Earls - Apr 20th, 2010

    An afternoon of events celebrated the merger of the Center for Advanced Visual Studies and the MIT Visual Arts Program. Events included an exhibition, presentations and a demonstration by video/performance artist Joan Jonas.

  • Gerit Grimm & Michael Boroniec at Ferrin Gallery

    The Things They Left Behind

    By: Astrid Hiemer - Apr 20th, 2010

    During a studio visit in March we interviewed and observed Gerit Grimm at work. She and Michael Boroniec were resident artists at Project Art in Cummington, Massachusetts. Currently they are exhibiting their finished ceramic sculptures at Ferrin Gallery in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

  • Andre Butzer at Metro Pictures

    Nicht Furchten! Don't Be Scared

    By: Charles Giuliano - Apr 19th, 2010

    For his second show at Metro Pictures the German artist, Andre Butzer, is showing large, brightly colored textured paintings that combine expressionist abstraction and ironic figuration.

  • Otto Piene at Sperone Westwater

    Light Ballet and Fire Paintings, 1957-1967

    By: Charles Giuliano - Apr 18th, 2010

    Following up on its museum level 2008 exhibition, Zero NY, the Sperone Westwater Gallery in Chelsea is featuring one of the founders of group Zero, Otto Piene. The focus is on seminal work including paintings, works on paper and light sculptures from 1957-1967. Piene has shown at documenta, the Venice Biennale, and the Munich Olympics. He is Professor Emeritus at MIT where he was director of the Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS).

  • Whitney Museum Launches Downtown Series

    Commissions for Site of New Building in Meatpacking District

    By: Bob Fowler - Apr 16th, 2010

    The Whitney's curatorial team has invited three artists to participate in this initiative: the collaborative team of Guyton\Walker, comprising Wade Guyton (b. 1972) and Kelley Walker (b. 1969); Tauba Auerbach (b. 1981); and Barbara Kruger (b. 1945). They will work on the site the the Whitney's new building in the Meatpacking District a short walk from Chelsea galleries and the new High Line.

  • Charles Burchfield at the Whitney Museum

    Curated by Robert Gober Opens June 24

    By: Bob Fowler - Apr 15th, 2010

    This summer the Whitney Museum of American Art focuses on the work of the visionary artist Charles Burchfield (1893-1967) in an exhibition curated by acclaimed sculptor Robert Gober. Heat Waves in a Swamp: The Paintings of Charles Burchfield features more than one hundred watercolors, drawings, and paintings from private and public collections, as well as selections from Burchfield's journals, sketches, scrapbooks, and correspondence.

  • New MIT Program ACT Inauguration

    CAVS and Visual Arts Program Merge

    By: Astrid Hiemer - Apr 14th, 2010

    After 43 years, the Center for Advanced Visual Studies looses its illustrious name and merges into a new program. Ute Meta Bauer former director of the Visual Arts Program has been appointed to head ACT, a Program in Art, Culture and Technology. ACT has also moved into the Media Arts Complex, adjacent to the Wiesner Building on the East Campus of MIT � the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  • Irving Kriesberg Works on Paper

    Katharina Rich Perlow Gallery

    By: Adam Zucker - Apr 09th, 2010

    The first posthumous exhibition of Irving Kriesberg at Katherine Rich Perlow Gallery presents a wonderful array of expressionist works on paper in an intimate gallery setting.

  • Mary Anne Davis: Ceramic Artist

    Dinner Ware an Art Form at 'Davistudio'

    By: Astrid Hiemer - Mar 31st, 2010

    Ceramic sculptures or slightly imperfectly formed and nearly luminescent table ware are both created by Mary Anne Davis. She has studied and worked with the medium since the 1980s and has exhibited nationally and internationally.

  • Gerit Grimm a Whimsical Ceramic Sculptor

    A Studio Visit, Conversation, and Works in Progress

    By: Astrid Hiemer - Mar 29th, 2010

    While growing up in Halle, East Germany, Gerit Grimm knew early in her teen years that she wanted to become a potter. After receiving her high school degree, she spent four years as a Potter-Apprentice, then a Yourneyman, before applying to study Ceramic Art at Burg Giebichenstein, a School for Applied Art & Design in Halle. Her work was expanding beyond the German traditions and further studies and training in America became inevitable.

  • Eclipse Mill Gallery: Young at Art

    Second Annual Student Art Exhibition

    By: Charles Giuliano - Mar 27th, 2010

    For the second year Jane Ellen DeSomma of Greylock High School and Phoebe Pepper of Drury High School have organized an exhibition of student work in painting, drawing and sculpture. It is a part of the mandate for community outreach by the Eclipse Mill Gallery in the artist work/ residence loft building in North Adams. According to curator, Phil Sellers, "These are works by the next generation of fellow artists." The work remains on view weekends through April 11.

  • Joe Smolinski at Mixed Greens in Chelsea

    Beginning of the End

    By: Adam Zucker - Mar 22nd, 2010

    Joe Smolinski's work is intimate, poignant, and should change the world. This is his second exhibition at Mixed Greens in Chelsea. Look for his ironic take on Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty. The show is on view in New York through April 17.

  • Tania Bruguera: Neuberger Museum of Art

    On the Political Imaginary

    By: Adam Zucker - Mar 20th, 2010

    Tania Bruguera's work in "On The Political Imaginary," an exhibition on view at the Neuberger Museum of Art at SUNY Purchase, brings together many powerful statements through the use of both live performance and installation. The first survey of the artist's interdisciplinary work focuses on the relationship among art, politics, and life.

  • Whitney Biennial 2010

    Evaluating Its Impact Since 1932

    By: Charles Giuliano - Mar 18th, 2010

    The low key, scaled back, modest and manageable Whitney Biennial 2010 curated by Francesco Bonami and Gary Carrion-Murayari has been dubbed the Obama Biennial. He is even on the cover. The Whitney has used this occasion to reflect on its history and critical reception since the series started in 1932. It begs questions about its mandate, the status of American art, and its relationship to a former partner, the Museum of Modern Art.

  • Otto Dix at Neue Galerie and Montreal MFA

    Among Best Exhibitions of 2010

    By: Charles Giuliano - Mar 18th, 2010

    The Neue Galerie in New York organized the first American retrospective of the German artist Otto Dix (1891-1969). The exhibition traveled to the Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal. While the New York installation was widely viewed as a mess the exhibition had a profound impact. Many critics and publications list the Dix survey as among the best exhibitions of 2010.

  • El Anatsui at Jack Shainman Gallery

    Magic Carpets by an African Artist

    By: Charles Giuliano - Mar 10th, 2010

    Our most stunning memory of the 2007 Venice Biennale was an enormous hanging by the African artist El Anatsui draped over the Gothic facade of the Palazzo Fortuny. We were staggered by his current exhibition at Jack Shainman Gallery in Chelsea. In October his work will be shown at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.

  • Tino Sehgal at the Guggenheim Museum

    50th Anniversary Empty Nesters

    By: Charles Giuliano - Mar 09th, 2010

    On the occasion of its 50th anniversary for an exhibition by the young German artist, Tino Sehgal, the famous spiral space has been rendered empty. A container for the performance pieces Kiss and This Progress which is less so. For this empty nest celebration space is the place.

  • Sacred and Profane At Portsmouth MFA

    New Hampshire Exhibition to April 24

    By: Bob Fowler - Mar 03rd, 2010

    Sacred and Profane: Eye of the Beholder, at the Portsmouth Museum of Fine Art in Portsmouth, NH remains on view through April 24, 2010. The exhibition features the work of 35 artists and explores concepts of the sacrilegious and sacrosanct in a broad context.

  • How to Talk to Children About World Art

    An Essential Book for Parents and Educators

    By: Charles Giuliano - Mar 02nd, 2010

    This well organized and insightful book is designed to get parents and educators up to speed when visiting exhibitions and museums. In an interesting and simple format it asks all the right questions and provides clear and simple answers about world art. The intention is to initiate meaningful dialogues with children.

  • Existence of Life - Evolution Part II

    Eagle Hill Cultural Center Exhibition

    By: David Wilson - Feb 23rd, 2010

    The Eagle Hill Cultural Center in Hardwick, MA is celebrating the bicentennial of Charles Darwin's birth using the umbrella title, "Evolution." The current exhibition continue to April 30th, with an opening reception from 2-4pm on Sat, Feb 28th.

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