
Fine Arts

  • Discussing Documenta XI

    Part Two with Okwui Enwezer

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 18th, 2013

    Part Two of a dialogue with Documenta XI organizer Okwui Enwezer. This is reposted from December 20, 2000 in Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • Dialogue with Documenta's Okwui Enwezer

    Part Three with Robert Fleck Letter

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 18th, 2013

    This is a conclusion of coverage of Documenta XI from a December 21, 2000 report in Maverick Arts Magazine. This also includes a letter from the Austrian curator Ribert Fleck.

  • Painting in Boston: 1950-2000

    Survey by DeCordova Museum in 2002

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 18th, 2013

    Painting in Boston: 1950-2000 was presented at DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park . This review is reposted from Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • Landmark MFA Survey of Boston Women

    A Studio of Her Own: Women Artists in Boston, 1870-1940

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 18th, 2013

    In 2001 the Museum of Fine Arts paid tribute to women in "A Studio of Her Own: Women Artists in Boston, 1870-1940." This review is reposted from Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • Boston Artist Robert Ferrandini

    A Studio Visit From Right to Left

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 18th, 2013

    In 2005 we visited the artist Robert Ferrandini in his studio. Recovering from a stroke he was learning to paint with the other hand. This report in Maverick Arts discussed progress for an exhibition at Gallery Naga.

  • Sarina Khan Reddy Multi Media Artist

    The Jewel in Her Crown

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 17th, 2013

    Recently Sarina Kahn Reddy joined the staff of the Davis Museum and Cultural Center of Wellesley College. Following her graduation from the master's program of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts I curated her 2005 installation in the Gallery of the New England School of Art and Design at Suffolk University. This reposting from Maverick Arts recalls that exhibition.

  • Camilo Alvarez Gallerist: Beer and Burgers

    The Director of Samson Projects

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 17th, 2013

    Not long after Camilo Alvarez founded Samson Projects in Boston's South End in 2005 we met for a beer and burger. It launched a series of meetings and articles with a range of artists, curators and gallerists. For their historical interest they are being reposted from Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • Arthur Dion: Beer and Burgers

    Boston Gallerist Recalls Decades on Newbury Street

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 17th, 2013

    Meg White runs the day to day operation of the formidable Gallery Naga on Newbury Street. Founded as a cooperative gallery in 975 that changed when Arthur Dion took over in 1982. He pursued a mandate to represent Boston artists. A close working relationship and ready access to their studios was essential to his approach to representation. In 2005 we met to discuss his take on the Boston art world.

  • Blanche Lazzell and the Color Woodcut

    Provincetown's White Line Prints at the MFA

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 17th, 2013

    Provincetown is renowned for the tradition of a single woodblock so called White Line prints. We repost a review of the Museum of Fine Arts exhibition From Paris to Provincetown: Blanche Lazzell and the Color Woodcut that appeared in Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • James Manning Boston Arts Activist

    Known for Discovering Emerging Artists

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 17th, 2013

    Currently James Manning is widely employed as a top exhibition planner and installer working with Emerson College, Suffolk University, and the Rose Art Museum among other regular clients. We often collaborated in exhibitions for New England School of Art and Design. His annual new talent shows regularly discovered future art stars. This is a 2003 article reposted from Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • Curator Linda Norden: Beer and Burgers

    Blue Lagoon: The Venice Project with Ed Ruscha

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 17th, 2013

    When we spoke with former Fogg Art Museum curator, Linda Norden, she was in the process of developing a project for the American Pavilion of the Venice Biennale with the California based artist Ed Ruscha. This dialogue is reposted from a 2005 article in Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • Artist Martin Mugar: Beer and Burgers

    Delectable Polka Dot Surfaces

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 17th, 2013

    Martin Mugar contributes think pieces on the visual arts for Berkshire Fine Arts. Our relationship started years ago with a raucous dinner at the Algonquin Club followed by nightcaps at the Pour House. We have had intense dialogues ever since. This is a 2005 a Beer and Burgers session reposted from Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • Renowned Artist Jaune Quick to See Smith

    New Mexico Studio Visit

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 17th, 2013

    It started as an e mail dialogue. During a drive through the South West we arrived at the studio of the renowned Native American artist and activist, Jaune Quick To See Smith. That led to an exhibition of all new works on paper that I curated for the gallery of the New England School of Art and Design at Suffolk University. On that occasion Janune gave a special lecture to a general assembly of Suffolk students.This report is reposted from a 2005 article in Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • Gerry Bergstein: Beer and Burgers

    Redefining Boston Expressionism

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 16th, 2013

    Gerry Bergstein is widely respected as one of the leading Boston painters of his generation. Several years ago we met for a Beer and Burger. He is included in the recent book 100 Boston Artists.

  • 100 Boston Artists by Chawky Frenn

    New Book Follows 100 Boston Painters

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 16th, 2013

    The figurative artist, Chawky Frenn, has followed 100 Boston Painters with 100 Boston Artists. The books are handsomely designed and printed with superb reproductions. Although he consulted with many experts in the field he made the final selections. This has resulted in an eccentric and uneven overview with a mix of major and minor artists. One of the strong points of the second volume is a fresh and insightful critical essay by Debbie Hagan the former editor of Art New England.

  • Domingo Barreres: Beer and Burgers

    Exploring the Ambitions of Las Meninas

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 16th, 2013

    The Spanish born artist, Domingo Barreres, has now retired from teaching at Boston's Museum School. His work often commented on the roots of his Spanish heritage. his piece originally appeared in Maverick Arts Magazine.

  • Jane Farver: Beer and Burgers

    Former Director of MIT's List Visual Arts Center

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 16th, 2013

    A couple of years ago Jane Farver retired as director of the List Center for the Visual Arts at MIT. That means that she no longer makes that weekly commute from Queens. This piece was originally posted to Maverick Arts.

  • Leslie Baum, Stacy Fisher, and Matt Miller

    Building Blocks at BravinLee Gallery NY

    By: Lisbeth Murra - Sep 14th, 2013

    BravinLee programs features artists Leslie Baum, Stacy Fisher, and Matt Miller, whose processes begin by anchoring sculptural and painted forms that they regard as building blocks to fully realize and articulate a statement. The exhibition is on view through October 19.

  • Art New England in the Berkshires

    Eclipse Mill Gallery Hosts Publication

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 13th, 2013

    The September/ October edition of Art New England includes a section devoted to the Berkshires. To celebrate there was a reception hosted by the Eclipse Mill Gallery in North Adams. We got a chance to catch up with publisher Tim Montgomery whom we knew back in the day when he was in sales for the legendary Rock of Boston the pioneering WBCN. Several years ago he acquired the publication and continues its mandate as the foremost publication covering New England.

  • Yvonne Andersen Sun Gallery Co-Founder

    Recalling Film and Animation Programming in Provincetown

    By: Yvonne Andersen - Sep 02nd, 2013

    As research for “Pioneers from Provincetown: The Roots of Figurative Expressionism” an exhibition focused on the emergence of a largely misunderstood movement in the 1950s we interviewed Sun Gallery co-founder Yvonne Andersen. In response to our coverage she has sent additional notes of great historical interest.

  • Figurative Expressionism in Provincetown

    PAAM Exhibition Through September 2

    By: Charles Giuliano - Aug 21st, 2013

    Following World War II the matrix of global contemporary art shifted from Paris to New York with the development of abstract expressionism as the leading movement of contemporary art of that era. During the 1950s there was much speculation about a Return to the Figure. Young artists who flocked to Provincetown to study with Hans Hofmann and Henry Hensche explored a synthesis through Figurative Expressionism. A number of these artists showed with Sun Gallery in Provincetown and Hansa Gallery in New York. The exhibition "Pioneers from Provincetown: The Roots of Figurative Expressionism" curated by Adam Zucker, Co-curator, Stephanie DeTroy focuses on this important movement.

  • MFA's Sacred Pages: Conversations About the Qur'an

    Art of the Islamic Spiritual World

    By: Zeren Earls - Aug 06th, 2013

    Sacred Pages: Conversations about the Qur'an, currently on view at the Museum of Fine Arts, is a unique exhibition that gives voice to members of Boston's Islamic community while highlighting the artistic beauty of objects on display. 25 loose Qur'an pages from the museum's collection, which date from the 8th to the 20th century, have two labels each ─ a curatorial statement and a personal response from the participants, providing a window into Islam and Islamic art.

  • The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh

    Genesis Breyer P-Orridge: Life Itself Is an Art

    By: Roger D'Hondt - Aug 02nd, 2013

    The Belgian based art critic Roger D'Hondt commentes on a special exhibition of 100 works by Genesis Breyer P-Orridge (1950) entitled 'S / HE IS HER / E'. Genesis P-Orridge refers with 'S / HE IS HER / E.' It refers to his inseparable relationship with Lady Jaye, artist, born Jacqueline Breyer (1969-2007).

  • Vico Fabbris Provincetown Exhibition

    Opens August 30 at Rice Polak Gallery

    By: Rice Polak - Jul 28th, 2013

    The Italian born artist, Vico Fabbris, is renowned for botanical inventions. There is an exhibition of these floral watercolors at Rick Polak Gallery opening on August 30. The artist has received numerous awards and grants and been included in museum exhibitions in the United States and Europe.

  • Sylvie Fortin to Head Biennale de Montreal

    Next Biennale October 9, 2014 to January 4, 2015.

    By: BDM - Jul 25th, 2013

    Sylvie Fortin will assume her new duties on September 3, 2013. She will be responsible for the next edition of La Biennale de Montréal, which will take place at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (MACM) and across satellite sites from October 9, 2014 to January 4, 2015.

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