

  • Brandeis Plunders Its Rose Art Museum

    The Rose Was a Rose Was a Rose

    By: Charles Giuliano - Feb 01st, 2009

    With the unanimous decision of the Board of Trustees, Jehuda Reinharz, the President of Brandeis University has decided to close the Rose Art Museum and sell its collection appraised at $350 million but worth about half of that estimate in the current art market. It is a desperate measure to stabalize the cash strapped university whose donors have been hit hard by the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scandal.

  • Berkshire Arts Flourish Despite Snow and Cold

    Plenty of Live Theatre, Music and Dance This Winter

    By: Larry Murray - Jan 21st, 2009

    Happily, midwinter in the Berkshires is anything but quiet. In fact, that's when many of our resident cultural institutions do their best work. A survey of what's coming up between now and Spring.

  • Berkshires 2008

    Hunkered Down with Arts and Culture

    By: Charles Giuliano - Dec 26th, 2008

    With $4 a gallon gas and a sinking economy 2008 was a challenge for arts and tourism in the Berkshires. But our contibutors covered not only the Berkshires but arts and culture in New York, Boston, London, New Orleans and Shanghai. We reflect on some of the highlights.

  • Thanksgiving 2008

    Turkeys, Liberty, Immigrants, Native Americans

    By: Charles Giuliano - Nov 25th, 2008

    The turkeys in our backyard are lean and tough compared to the piles of butterballs at the Big Y. A time to reflect on the meaning of Thanksgiving.

  • Boston Fine Arts Holiday 2008 Event Guide and Preview

    Our Pick of Boston's Best Music, Theatre and Dance Offerings

    By: Larry Murray - Nov 18th, 2008

    From the lights on the Boston Common, to the lights on the marquees, Boston knows how to celebrate the Holidays. Their traditions have long histories and deep roots, from the Holiday Pops and Handel & Haydn Messiah to the Christmas Revels and The Nutcracker. To help you plan your holiday entertainment, here is a preview and guide for Boston Holiday Events 2008.

  • Berkshire Fine Arts Holiday 2008 Preview and Events Guide

    Being in the Berkshires for the Holidays is a Joy

    By: Larry Murray - Nov 18th, 2008

    The beginning of winter is marked by theatre, music and dance throughout the world, but perhaps nowhere is it more heartfelt than here in the Berkshires. This Thanksgiving let us give thanks to our arts community and then get out and enjoy their offerings. Your guide awaits.

  • Praesidenten-Wahlen USA - am 4. November 2008

    Ein Persoenlicher Bericht

    By: Astrid Hiemer - Nov 05th, 2008

    Gestern waehlte Amerika einen neuen Praesidenten, Barack Obama. Er wird der erste amerikanische Praesident werden, mit einer amerikanischen Mutter, eine Weisse, und einem afrikanischen Vater. Am Ende des Wahlkampfes spielte Rasse nur eine kleine Rolle.

  • Jitters on Wall Street

    Bulls on the Run

    By: Charles Giuliano - Oct 01st, 2008

    There were tons of tourists and camera crews everywhere. The financial crisis lures the concerned and curious to Wall Street.

  • Berkshire Fall Arts Guide

    Irina Brook to Direct Oscar Wilde at Shakespeare & Company

    By: Larry Murray - Aug 26th, 2008

    The Berkshire Hills are very much alive this fall. Choose from the ridiculous or the sublime, from the Ballet Trockaderos with men in tutus and on pointe to the arrival of Irina Brook at Shakespeare & Company to wrest a play from Oscar Wilde's book, The Canterville Ghost. For a complete change of pace, the Cirque du Soleil is coming to Amherst and Boston.

  • My Summer at MASS MoCA

    Jordan Young Recalls His Internship

    By: Jordan Young - Aug 23rd, 2008

    With Labor Day Weekend approaching Jordan Young will be heading back to college. For the past summer he was an intern at Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art with a range of duties and challenges. Overall he reports that it was a remarkable experience.

  • The Berkshire Monsoon of 2008

    Was the Summer a Washout for Arts and Tourism

    By: Charles Giuliano - Aug 23rd, 2008

    A perfect storm of cool, rainy weather, $4 a gallon gas, and a lousy economy caused the coining of a new term "Staycation" during the summer of 2008. While clearly an off year Berkshire arts and tourism held their own largely through its range of world class offerings.

  • Rocking Tanglewood Wilco the Real Deal

    Reaching Out For New Audiences

    By: Steve Nelson - Aug 13th, 2008

    It is hard to believe that Janis Joplin performed at Tanglewood in 1969. As well as The Who and Miles Davis. There was a false start to revive rock in 2007 with a literally washed out Cars. But last night Wilco brought rock once again to Tanglewood. After three plus decades it's about time.

  • The Berkshire Fine Arts Preview of the Best Bets for August

    Our Guide in Words and Pictures to the Top Theatre, Music and Dance Offerings

    By: Larry Murray - Jul 29th, 2008

    Berkshire residents are reveling in an amazing array of area arts offerings. Our monthly Preview serves to help guide your choices with helpful facts, insider details and handy links. The only mistake would be to procrastinate. Nothing gold can stay.

  • Berkshire Summer Arts Festival- July Preview

    Extensive Guide to Theater, Music and Dance

    By: Larry Murray - Jun 25th, 2008

    The awesome array of Berkshire arts events in July is astounding. Our theater, music and dance companies create their schedules one by one, but taken together it's going to be one sensational Summer Festival right here in our own backyard. Enjoy.

  • Enjoying Berkshire Museums on a Tight Budget

    Local Art Museums and Historical Sites Have Many Low Cost and Free Offerings

    By: Larry Murray - Jun 19th, 2008

    Part One: Use this handy guide to Berkshire museum discounts, and you can enjoy the same wonderful attractions that draw tens of thousands of people to our region each summer.

  • Berkshire Spring into Summer Preview 2008

    Berkshire Fine Arts Guide and Schedule

    By: Larry Murray - May 18th, 2008

    Berkshire residents and visitors are about to enjoy the earliest and most promising arts season in years. We pick the best of the early music, theater, dance and gallery offerings, from Memorial Day to the end of June 2008.

  • Berkshire Spring Preview 2008

    Getting a Jump on the Arts

    By: Larry Murray - Mar 17th, 2008

    Theater, music and dance performances are sprouting up everywhere. Here's a head's up on the most promising. After a hard winter, it's nice to see the Berkshires bloom with life again.

  • Responding to President's Day 2008

    Evoking Obama, Elvis, Hillary and Doris Day

    By: Steve Nelson - Feb 18th, 2008

    Thinking back to his teenage days on Long Island, in the 1950s, when Elvis was the King, Steve Nelson draws interesting parallels to the presidential race that has Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton fighting for the nomination to lead the Democratic party. With a hint of Doris Day. A trip down memory lane that fast forwards to the future.

  • Why Oil Is a Fossil As Fuel

    Toward an Electrifying Future

    By: Yuri Tuvim - Jan 01st, 2008

    The Russian born scientist and engineer, Yuri Tuvim, offers a short sketch on how to quench the American thirst for oil.

  • 2007: An Overview

    Highlights of a Year of Transition and Change

    By: Charles Giuliano - Dec 28th, 2007

    While not a "best" and "worst" list in the usual sense we offer an overview of events and what proved to be moving and insightful while covering the arts in 2007.

  • The George W. Bush 2008 Holiday Calendar

    A Final Countdown

    By: Charles Giuliano - Dec 14th, 2007

    Just in time for the Holidays a festive George W. Bush Calendar. In the last of eight magnificent years as they say we are winding down into the home stretch.

  • Contemporary Artists Center Nixes North Adams Development

    After 17 Years CAC Plans Relocation to Troy, New York

    By: Charles Giuliano - Dec 11th, 2007

    Negotiations for the Contemporary Artists Center to develop a permanent home in the former Notre Dame church property in North Adams ended in acrimony and finger pointing. It is a serious loss and set back for an emerging but struggling arts community.

  • The Berkshire Fine Arts Holiday Preview

    Check Over Our List of Events, Both Naughty and Nice

    By: Larry Murray - Nov 13th, 2007

    The array of holiday treats taking place in the Berkshires has grown, and is more eclectic than ever.

  • Mass MoCA Starts Cleaning Up the Buchel Mess

    Making Way for the Jenny Holzer Installation To Open on November 17

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 25th, 2007

    In reponse to Friday's Federal Court decision in favor of Mass MoCA the artist Christoph Buchel filed an appeal. But today the museum has announced that it will trash the unfinished work immediately to make way for an installation by Jenny Holzer to open as soon as possible.

  • Judge Allows Mass MoCA's Unfinished Buchel Show

    Costly Victory for North Adams Museum

    By: Charles Giuliano - Sep 22nd, 2007

    Originally scheduled to open last December Federal Judge Michael A. Posner ruled yesterday that Mass MoCA may indeed open the unfinished exhibition of Christoph Buchel in its largest gallery. Did the museum simply prevail in a no win situation? The jury is still out.

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