

  • Tangled Wood Tales

    Tanglewood Past, Present and Future

    By: Larry Murray - Sep 06th, 2007

    The volunteers, the deficits, the sniping from the sidelines: You have to expect it when you are biggest target. The BSO's Berkshire summer of 2007 lends itself to parody, speculation and reminiscences.

  • Berkshire Fall Arts Preview 2007

    Theater - Dance - Music - Film - Visual Arts

    By: Larry Murray - Sep 01st, 2007

    An eclectic array of possibilities makes this the richest Fall arts season yet.

  • Governor Deval Patrick Visits Pittsfield

    Open Meeting with Berkshire Arts and Culture Leaders

    By: Charles Giuliano - Jul 13th, 2007

    Julianne Boyd hosted an open meeting in her Barrington Stage Company theatre in Pittsfield between arts leaders and Deval Patrick, the first Democrat Governor of Massachusetts in far too long.

  • Critical Mess2

    How and Why We Write

    By: Charles Giuliano - Feb 23rd, 2007

    More response to the collection of essays "Critical Mess: Art critics and the state of their practice." And a reply to a Peter Plagens piece on critical writing in the February, 2007 issue of Art in America.

  • Feeling Listless: Annual Awards

    A Critic's Apathy

    By: Charles Giuliano - Jan 05th, 2007

    Overcome by ennui at the prospect of coming up with that annual best and worst list.

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