The Mount
Author of The Age of Innocence, Ethan Frome, and The House of Mirth, Edith Wharton wrote over 40 books in 40 years, many from this home in Lenox which she built in 1902.Â
- Contact Person:
- Address:
- 2 Plunkett Street
- Lenox MA, 01240
- Phone:
- (413) 551-5111
- Website:
86 BFA References to The Mount
Tina Packer's 32 Years of Shakespeare & Company People
Why She's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
By: - Aug 23rd, 2009In June, Tina Packer turned over the day to day operation of Shakespeare & Company to the new Artistic Director, Tony Simotes. Recently she discussed 32 years at S&Co. as well as plans this fall to perform at the Publick Theatre in Boston and the Mercury Theatre Company in Great Britain. She will return to S&Co. next season as its Designated Hitter.
Measure for Measure at Shakespeare & Company Theatre
This Lunchtime Theatre Lasts Until Tea Time
By: - Jul 19th, 2009Come for lunch, stay for tea. Measure for Measure is brilliantly played by the Apprentice Company as part of the Lunchtime Theatre, and more than a snack, it is the main course.
Tony Simotes of Shakespeare & Company People
Hitting the Ground Running as Artistic Director
By: - Jul 13th, 2009Tina Packer, after 32 years as Founding Dirctor of the Lenox based, Shakespeare & Company has stepped down. It was planned that Tony Simotes, now in his first season as Artistic Director, would be handed the reins of debt free company with a $10 million new facility including a second stage, The Elayne P. Bernstein Theatre, and the start on an endowment. Then the economy fell off a cliff.
Berkshire Theatre News - July 2009 Theatre
Local Theatre Community Thriving, Growing
By: - Jul 01st, 2009In recent years the Berkshires has emerged as a major theatre community. With four professional companies and eight stages it's becoming a force in American theatre. And behind the scenes there is another show going on as well. Read all about it.
Theatre Returns to The Mount Theatre
Edith Wharton's Xingu August 20-23
By: - Jun 19th, 2009Until its move to the Lenox campus Shakespeare & Company for many years presented its productions at the historic home of writer Edith Wharton The Mount in Lenox. From August 20-23 The Wharton Salon in partnership with The Mount will stage her comedy Xingu adapted from a short story by Dennis Krausnick.
Change of Command at Shakespeare & Company Theatre
Tony Simotes to Assume Role of Artistic Director
By: - Jan 22nd, 2009Tony Simotes co-founded Shakespeare & Company with Tina Packer and other dedicated artists in 1978. Packer has led the noted company for thirty years as Artistic Director, and now he will take the helm. Packer will continue to guide the company's long term growth, which includes building a reproduction of the Elizabethan-era Rose Theatre in Lenox.
Berkshires 2008 Opinion
Hunkered Down with Arts and Culture
By: - Dec 26th, 2008With $4 a gallon gas and a sinking economy 2008 was a challenge for arts and tourism in the Berkshires. But our contibutors covered not only the Berkshires but arts and culture in New York, Boston, London, New Orleans and Shanghai. We reflect on some of the highlights.
Rethinking Abstract Expressionism: Beyond the Canon Fine Arts
Exhibitions at Robert Miller Gallery and the Smithsonian American Art Museum
By: - Dec 20th, 2008There are 60 artists, familiar and not, in the exhibition "Beyond the Canon: Small Scale American Abstraction 1945 to 1965" at the Robert Miller Gallery in New York. The Smithsonian American Art Museum has organized "Modern Masters: American Abstration at Midcentury" which is now on view at Florida International University through March 1,2009. It will tour six museums through 2012.
The Mount: Writer Edith Wharton's 1902 House Architecture
An Elegant Lenox Edwardian Estate
By: - Jul 21st, 2008The Mount was the home of the writer Edith Wharton. It was built in the Berkshire Mountains to escape what she referred to as an overstuffed and suffocating life in New York and Newport, RI. It's where she wrote some of her classic books like "The House of Mirth," where she hosted distinguished friends like Henry James, and where she put into practice her sophisticated ideas of home d�cor and garden design. It is a special place created by a special American artist. It is currently in need of creative help.
Saving Money on Theater Tickets Theatre
Half priced tickets are available every day
By: - Jun 21st, 2008Part Two of our report on saving money while enjoying the Berkshire's many performing arts attractions. Theater, music and dance are available at a discount, sometimes even Free!
Shakespeare & Company Announces Expanded 2008-2009 Season Theatre
Major Renovations to Lenox Campus
By: - Dec 12th, 2007For the past 30 years Tina Packard has brought Shakespeare to the Berkshires. Now Shakespeare & Company is gradually building out the campus it has moved to and is working toward year round programming. Tickets go on sale in January for a season that will be launched on Memorial Day Weekend. Let the games begin.
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