Astrid Hiemer
A cultural critic and writer, Astrid grew up after WW II in Hamburg, Germany, and emigrated to the United States in the 1960s. She was formerly the assistant director (Administrative Officer) of the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT under Otto Piene, with whom she has worked in the past several years editing, translating, and researching for a major book about his life and career. While at The Center she knew and worked with many multi-media artists. In addition to professional work as an editor and translator she is also a poet, and writer of fiction. Most of her written work is accompanied by her own photographs.
Recent Articles:
Unser Deutschlandmärchen, at Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin Front Page
Our German Fairy Tale, by Hakan Savas Mican
By: - Jan 29th, 2025The Turkish boy Dincer (Taner Sahintürk) is compelled to tell his life's experience in Germany when his mother Fatma (Sesede Terziyan) is laid to rest. The story comes alive on the stage of the Gorki Theater in Berlin, Germany, that is committed to telling political and socio-cultural stories in Germany.
Komische Oper, Berlin Front Page
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By: - Jan 15th, 2025The concert version of the light opera by Jacques Offenbach of the Komische Oper, Berlin left wishes open for a full fledged opera performance. The stage setting, at their temporary house located at the Schiller Theater in the Bismarckstrasse in Berlin, seemed at bit crowded. Nevertheless.....
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Our Surreality: At Eclipse Mill Gallery, N. Adams, MA Front Page
June 7 to July 7, 2024
By: - May 28th, 2024Our Surreality Lives: Michelle Wiley, 2020 to 2021 and Astrid Hiemer, 2023 to 2024, at the Eclipse Mill Gallery, 243 Union Street, North Adams from June 7 to July 7. Opening Celebration, Friday, June 7, 6-8 pm. The gallery will be open from Thursdays to Sundays, noon to 6 pm . See how we celebrate Surrealism and DADA at 100!
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Emancipation: The Unfinished Project of Liberation Front Page
Williams College Museum of Art (WCMA)
By: - Mar 22nd, 2024On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Not long after that, John Quincy Adams Ward (1830-1910) created the bronze sculpture “The Freedman.” It depicts a semi-nude seated figure in the act of his removing shackles. Resembling the iconic Roman “Boxer,” the work was arguably the first bronze sculpture to depict an African American.
The 74th Berlinale Front Page
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Anatevka at Komische Oper, Berlin Front Page
Better known as Fiddler on the Roof
By: - Feb 17th, 2024Most people know the story of Tevye, the milkman, as 'Fiddler on the Roof.' What started in the1960's as a sensational Broadway musical by Jerome Robbins, has kept all of its allure. 'Anatevka,' here named after the location of the action, is still the wonderful same.
The Golden Cockerel at Komische Oper, Berlin Front Page
Der Goldene Hahn by N. Rimsky-Korsakov
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Sartre's "Dirty Hands," at Berliner Ensemble Front Page
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A. Baker, The Big Picture Show, at Eclipse Mill Gallery and Front Page
E. Berland/ W. Beavers, Somatic Movement Workshops
By: - Oct 12th, 2023E. Alexander Baker, Erika Berland and Wendell Beavers are all residents at the Eclipse Mill in North Adams, Massachusetts. The mill offers live and work spaces for creative people. Baker’s exhibition can be seen in the Eclipse Mill gallery until October 29 with hours from Thursday to Sunday, 11 am to 6pm.
Tanz im August in Berlin Front Page
With 19 World-Wide Dance Companies
By: - Sep 02nd, 2023Tanz im Augus is the Berlin showcase for contemporary international dance. Organized, as usually, by the theater Hebbel am Ufer (HAU).
Compagnie Käfig at Jacob’s Pillow Front Page
Final Company in Residence, 2023 Season
By: - Aug 29th, 2023For PIXEL, by Compagnie Käfig, today based near Lyon, France, ten male Hip Hop dancers, French style, a woman contortionist, a roller-skater, small robots carrying tiny lights, and a huge metal hoop shared and interacted on stage with highly sophisticated projections, music, and sounds.
Martha Graham Dance Company at Jacob’s Pillow Front Page
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Complexions Contemporary Ballet, at Jacob’s Pillow Front Page
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Hip Hop Across The Pillow at Jacobs Pillow Front Page
A Festival inside the 2023 Summer Dance Festival
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(Not Entirely) Black and White, by Nelson and Fried Front Page
Show at the Eclipse Mill Gallery, North Adams, MA
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Strindberg's Totentanz at Berliner Ensemble Front Page
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73rd Berlinale Front Page
Februray 16 to 26, 2023
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Die Rache der Fledermaus, at the Komische Oper, Berlin Front Page
The Revenge of the Bat
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Ivanov, at the Berliner Ensemble, Germany Front Page
By Anton Chekhov
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La Cage Aux Folles, Komische Oper, Berlin Front Page
An Over The Top Production
By: - Feb 08th, 2023What a performance of La Cage Aux Folles at the Komische Oper, Berlin!! This musical with music by Jerry Herman and a book by Harvey Fierstein has seen many international interpretations since it opened in 1983 at the Palace Theatre in New York.
Amore, at Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin Front Page
Lighter Fare for Valentine's Day
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Clockwork Orange at Berliner Ensemble, Germany Front Page
Theatrical Adaptation by Tilo Nest
By: - Jan 17th, 2023Who does not remember Stanley Kubrick's 1971 film 'A Clockwork Orange' based on the novel by Anthony Burgess from 1962!? It was one of the most chilling cinematic affairs then, and it remains today on stage. Here, the photographs speak a million words....
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